January 3, 2023

Travel Dua

Is IVF Halal in Islam? Is It Permissible For Muslims?

Infertility is a global issue, and it affects millions of people from all backgrounds and ethnicities. According to the World […]

By Zain Miah

By Zain Miah

January 3, 2023

muslim wife and husband walking with their baby

Infertility is a global issue, and it affects millions of people from all backgrounds and ethnicities.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 186 million individuals and 48 million couples experience infertility, including Muslims, who are the second-largest religious group in the world.

is IVF halal in islam for muslimsAs Muslims, we have a firm belief that life and death are in the hands of Allah SWT. Therefore, striving for a child in the face of infertility isn’t a rebellion against the will of God.

Instead, under the right circumstances, the All Mighty allows Muslims to use advanced medical methods such as In Vitro Fertilisation to conceive a child. Keep on reading if you are wondering, “Is IVF halal?”

Firstly, What Is IVF?

In vitro fertilisation is an infertility treatment. It is a process in which an egg and sperm are combined in a laboratory to form an embryo.

The term “in vitro” literally means “in glass.” The fertilised embryo is then placed inside the womb of the female partner (wife) for further development and growth. 

Is IVF Allowed in Islam?

Al-Shaykh al-‘Uthaymin (may Allah SWT have mercy on him) said, “Artificial fertilization is when the husband’s sperm is taken and placed in the uterus of the wife by means of a syringe. This is a very serious issue. Who can be certain that the doctor will not put the sperm of one man in the uterus of someone else’s wife?! Hence we think that precautions must be taken, and we should not issue fatwas except in specific cases where we know the man, the woman, and the doctor. As for opening the door to this, there is the fear of evil consequences.  

muslim wife and husband walking with their babyThe matter is not to be taken lightly because if any deceit takes place, it means that lineages will be mixed, and there will be chaos, which is something that shari’ah has forbidden. Hence the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “One should not have intercourse with a pregnant woman until she gives birth.” I will not issue fatwas to this effect unless a specific case is referred to me, and I know the man, the woman, and the doctor.”  (Majmu’ Fatawa al-Shaykh Ibn’ Uthaymin, 17/question no. 9) 

Therefore, the verdict of the Islamic Fiqh Council is that “There is nothing wrong with resorting to this in the case of need, but it is absolutely essential to take all necessary precautions.” (Majallat al-Majma’, 3/1/423) 

Listed below are a few conditions under which IVF is permitted in Islam:

  • The couple is facing difficulty in conceiving for more than a year, and there is no other option than trying IVF. 
  • The husband isn’t allowed to masturbate. Instead, he should be intimate with his wife without penetration. 
  • The woman shouldn’t uncover her Hijab in front of any other man.
  • The man’s sperm and the woman’s egg shouldn’t be kept in a freezer. The embryo transfer process should be done immediately without any delay. 
  • The sperm should be of the husband, the egg should be of the wife, and the embryo should be implanted in the wife’s uterus. This means that neither donated eggs embryo nor donated sperm is allowed in Islam. 

In reference to the above-mentioned guideline, Allah SWT says, “And Allah has made for you Azwaj (mates or wives) of your own kind, and has made for you, from your wives, sons and grandsons, and has bestowed on you good provision. Do they then believe in false deities and deny the Favour of Allah (by not worshipping Allah Alone).” [Holy Quran, al-Nahl 16:72]

“Your wives are a tilth for you, so go to your tilth, when or how you will, and send (good deeds, or ask Allah to bestow upon you pious offspring) for your own selves beforehand. And fear Allah, and know that you are to meet Him (in the Hereafter), and give good tidings to the believers (O Muhammad)” [Holy Quran, al-Baqarah 2:223]

“Tilth is mentioned specifically with regard to a man’s wife, which indicates that a woman other than his wife is not appropriate for his tilth.” (Majmu’ Fatawa al-Shaykh al-‘Uthaymin, 17:27-28) 

Therefore, the rule regarding any form of artificial insemination is that only the wife’s egg and the husband’s sperm should be used for the process. In case one tries to use the third party’s sperm or egg, it will be considered Zina, which is a major sin in Islam.

What Is Not Allowed in Islam?

According to Shariah, the below-mentioned IVF conditions are prohibited in Islam:

  • Fertilisation occurs between the sperm of a donor and the egg of the wife.
  • Fertilisation takes place between the egg of a donor who isn’t the wife and the sperm of the husband. 
  • The husband’s sperm and wife’s egg are fertilised, but the embryo is implanted into the womb of a volunteer, third-party, or surrogate. 
  • The fertilisation takes place between the egg and sperm of two strangers, and the embryo is implanted in the uterus of another man’s wife.
  • Fertilisation takes place between the sperm and egg of the spouses. However, the embryo is placed in the ovum of the man’s second wife. 
  • Fertilisation occurs between the husband’s frozen sperm and the wife’s egg. But the husband has died, and the wife has remarried. 

Is IVF Safe?

The one-word answer to this is “Yes”, IVF is very safe, as most couples have not experienced any health problems. However, only in rare cases IVF can lead to ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, pelvic infection, and minor injury to the organs. 

Is IVF Painful?

In the majority of circumstances, IVF doesn’t involve any pain. However, note that the pain and mild discomfort is subjective and can vary from person to person. 

Quran and Hadiths

what does the quran say about in vitro fertilisationFor those who face fertility difficulties, Allah SWT says, “To God belongs the dominion of heavens and earth. He creates what He wills. He bestows female (offspring) upon whom He wills and bestows male (offspring) upon whom He wills. Or He bestows both males and females, and He leaves childless whom He wills. For He is All-Knowledgeable All-Powerful.” [Holy Quran 42:49-50]

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Is Egg Freezing Permissible in Islam?

Egg freezing is done in a biology lab with the purpose to be later used for egg donation IVF. Once the egg is vitrified, it is stored in nitrogen inside the egg bank. Even though the majority of Islamic laws don’t prohibit the egg-freezing procedure as long as it is done for lawful reasons.

Furthermore, the couple can use the wife’s frozen eggs for fertility treatment as long as they are married. 

On the flip side, according to some laws, freezing eggs isn’t allowed, so it is recommended that fertilisation and implantation take place as quickly as possible.

Summary – Is IVF halal?

In general, yes, in vitro fertilisation is acceptable in Islam, provided that it is for a married couple and both the egg and sperm come from this couple. This means that sperm or eggs embryo adoption isn’t allowed.

However, note that masturbation isn’t accepted in Islam and so sperm acquisition must be carried out by the wife. Moreover, the donation of eggs or sperm from a third party isn’t allowed, and IVF should only be performed when there are zero chances of naturally conceiving for a couple. 

Remember, no matter how they are conceived or born, all children are a gift of Allah SWT. In Vitro Fertilisation, employed under the right conditions, gives Muslim couples a chance to conceive by traditional means. 

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