April 14, 2022

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What Causes Low Sperm Count?

Many causes may result in few or no sperm, but before we get into the details of its potential causes. […]

By Zain Miah

By Zain Miah

April 14, 2022

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Many causes may result in few or no sperm, but before we get into the details of its potential causes. We must get to understand “What is a low sperm count?”

The answer is simple: if a patient has fewer than 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen, it is considered low sperm count! This article will discuss the most causes of low sperm count.

Main Causes of Low Sperm Count

Sperm production and delivery difficulties are often the cause of male infertility. The following factors are some of the most common causes of reduced sperm count:

1. Surgeries and Infections can reduce sperm count

  1. Chlamydia – a sexually transmissible disease that causes scarring in the genital region.
  2. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) can obstruct the sperm transporting tubes by restricting average sperm production,

2. Genetic Diseases

Although most genetic causes of male infertility are uncommon, several long-term illnesses and therapies administered to cure them are prevalent contributors to male infertility. Reduced sperm count might be caused by various issues, including testicular or prostate cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and peripheral vascular disease.

3. Cancer Treatment:

A man’s sperm count may be reduced by surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy.

4. Hormonal Imbalances:

Hormones regulate the production of sperm, and sometimes hormonal messages between the brain, pituitary gland, and testes can become lost. A blood test can determine whether all the body’s systems are operating correctly or if an imbalanced condition is to blame for decreased sperm.

Environmental Factors:

Men who engage in specific behaviours and occupations face an elevated chance of fertility problems, and low sperm count may make being a father difficult. If you adopt a healthy lifestyle and lose weight, you’ll have a better probability of conceiving. The following lifestyle factors are the are the most prevalent causes of male infertility:

  • Alcohol consumption
  • Steroids
  • Smoking Cigarette
  • Exposure to chemicals, paints or heavy metals.
  • Obesity
  • Illicit drugs

Extreme heat and long-distance cycling can also have a detrimental effect on male fertility in some circumstances. In some cases, chronic heat exposure and long-distance cycling can reduce sperm count. Lifestyle modifications, such as diet and exercise might help raise sperm count. TFC may advise sperm injection ICSI for guys with a severe sperm count in an IVF cycle.

What Are The Signs and Symptoms of Low Sperm Count?

Many indications of low sperm count exist, but they are frequently symptoms of a medical condition causing it. Some signs and symptoms associated with low sperm count include:

  • The Detection of lump
  • Low sex appeal and drive
  • Difficulty in erection
  • Decreased facial or body hair
  • Hormone abnormality

Are You Diagnosed With Low Sperm Count?

Most patients undergo medical tests at the clinic and have previously tried to conceive without success. To check if your sperm count is too low, you must visit a doctor or go to a private hospital for an examination. You and your spouse may use the following ideas to increase the sperm count. Low sperm motility and lower production of sperm would certainly affect fertility and cause male infertility.

What Do You Mean by Male Infertility?

The inability of a male to father a child is known as male infertility. Male infertility is diagnosed when there is a presence of:

  • Sluggish sperm counts
  • Blockages in the reproductive system
  • Genetic abnormalities.

Moreover, semen analysis may indicate low sperm quality and lesser sperm cells. According to the semen analysis, such patients are diagnosed with male factor infertility.

Low Sperm Count Treatment Options

Despite having lower sperm count and low sperm quality, so many treatment options are available for improving sperm count and poor quality sperm. Male infertility treatment choices vary based on the underlying cause. Certain situations may require fertility medications or surgery. In other circumstances, assisted reproductive technologies (ART) may be required, including in-vitro fertilisation (IVF). However, alternative methods need medical equipment to treat male fertility.

How Can You Increase Sperm Count Naturally?

Healthy Diet:

One way is to eat healthy foods. Eating a high in protein and low in sugar diet can help improve your sperm count. You should also avoid eating processed meals and saturated fats. Taking Vitamin D aspartate and Vitamin B Supplements and improving lifestyle factors play an essential role in triggering sperm production.

Regular Exercise:

Another way to increase your sperm count naturally is to exercise regularly. Exercise helps improve overall health and can help improve male fertility. Finally, you can also increase your sperm count by relaxing and letting things go by reducing stress levels! Stress can harm overall health and can reduce sperm count. If you can reduce stress levels, you may see an improvement in your sperm count.

Consult A Fertility Specialist For Low Sperm Count

See your doctor if you’re searching for additional methods to enhance your fertility. They may suggest different strategies that can help improve your low sperm count and overall fertility.

How Do You Cure Low Sperm Count?

  • For Surgeries, surgical corrections are made.
  • Prevention of infection.
  • Treatment for sex problems.
  • Medicine for hormonal issues. 

What Are The Complications of Low Sperm Count?


The inability to conceive within a year of unprotected sexual activity. It may take longer to develop if you have a low sperm count. Low sperm count can lead to several complications, including:

Reduced sex drive:

A low sperm count can reduce libido or sex drive.

Erectile dysfunction:

The inability to get or keep an erection. A low sperm count might be a cause.

Anxiety and stress:

Infertility associated with a low sperm count can cause anxiety and stress. It, in turn, can further reduce libido and erectile function.


Infertility and the other complications of a low sperm count can lead to depression. It may also decrease libido and erectile function.

Relationship problems:

The stress and anxiety associated with a low sperm count can cause relationship problems.

How Can You Overcome Low Sperm Count?

If you have a low sperm count, it is essential to consult with a fertility specialist. There may be other factors causing the reduction, such as lifestyle choices or an underlying medical condition.

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