March 19, 2022

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What is IVF? I What Is In-vitro Fertilisation?

IVF stands for In-vitro Fertilisation. In Vitro is a Latin term for In Glass. It is an assisted reproductive technology […]

By Zain Miah

By Zain Miah

March 19, 2022

ivf, fertility, infertility-1514174.jpg

IVF stands for In-vitro Fertilisation. In Vitro is a Latin term for In Glass. It is an assisted reproductive technology for infertility treatments, in which female eggs are taken from ovaries and merged with their male partner (the sperm) in a laboratory setup. Hence, In Vitro references test tubes or culture dishes in which this process occurs.

Now you know ‘What Is IVF!’ But to better understand what In Vitro Fertility is all about, we should first look at what infertility is.

Definition of Infertility:

Infertility refers to the inability of any couple to conceive. Although there are many causes of infertility, 25% are unknown among them. Nevertheless, despite the reasons for this problem, the actual issue is that these couples still want children. Fortunately, IVF treatments are the best fertility treatments for couples, and they offer them the best chances of getting pregnant.

What is In-Vitro Fertility?

In vitro fertilisation is defined as a process where the ovum is coalesced with spermatozoon to obtain a fertilised embryo.

It is a newly born method and a source of hope for couples who wish to become parents irrespective of the barriers between them and their dreams! This process is considered the fertility treatment of choice for couples experiencing fertility problems. 

Steps of IVF Process

Before performing the IVF process on a patient, it is necessary to examine the patients and conduct the preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is made, they are all good to go for the following steps of the IVF process:

  • Ovarian Stimulation:

This phase is about administering daily injections, which causes ovaries to produce more oocytes instead of a single ovum to attain more embryos.

  • Retrieval of Oocytes:

The second phase is initiated by conducting ultrasound scans to prove that the follicles have reached an adequate size and enough oocytes have been produced. Moreover, an HCG hormone injection is also monitored. After thirty-six hours, the retrieval of oocytes takes place, and this phase is known as the Follicular phase. This phase takes place in an operation theatre under sedation to make sure that there is no discomfort.

  • Fertilisation of the Oocytes:

This phase involves mating oocytes and spermatozoa in a test tube or culture dish for fertilisation. The resulting embryos are placed under observation for several days, and this is how the most promising one gets selected without any risk of egg retrieval. 

  • Embryo Transfer:

Once the embryo is ready, the transfer takes place by implanting the embryo back into the patient’s uterus with the help of special canola. This phase also occurs in an operation theatre, although it is a painless procedure in which sedation is not that important.

  • Frozen Embryos:

Suppose there is an excellent surplus quality of frozen embryos present that have not been transferred to the patient. These can be stored for future use since not all cycles produce good enough oocytes for fertilisation.

Importance of IVF treatment:

Now that you understand IVF, let us discuss IVF’s importance in a parent’s life. It is observed that 90% of the parents who consider IVF due to infertility problems have achieved their goal of a positive pregnancy test. Undoubtedly, IVF has unlocked many possibilities for people who can’t conceive.

Moreover, this complex procedure helps prevent some genetic issues within the child through assistance with the conception. 

In-Vitro Fertilisation

IVF is an ideal and fantastic treatment for infertility and genetic problems. However, both you and your partner can also opt for less invasive treatment options, including:

  • Fertility medications to increase eggs production
  • Fertility Drugs promote the procedure of placing sperms in the uterus near the time of ovulation, called insemination.

Nevertheless, IVF is the ideal treatment option for infertility in women above 40 years. Some other health conditions in which IVF is considered as an immediate treatment option include:

  1. Fallopian tube damage or blockage
  2. Ovulation disorders
  3. Couples with increased chances of passing congenital disabilities
  4. Endometriosis
  5. Uterine Fibroid
  6. Impaired sperm function or production and many more!

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI):

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a reproduction technique that has played an essential part in IVF treatments for couples diagnosed with male infertility problems, especially when the donor sperm is not functional enough to mate the ovum.

Infertility Statistics in the UK:

Infertility is a severe problem; almost 1 out of 7 couples face this, and in the United Kingdom, about 3.5 million people. It counts around 84% of the couples trying to get pregnant successfully in the first year. Undoubtedly, IVF has done wonders for many couples dreaming of becoming parents one day.

IVF Statistics in the UK:

In the United Kingdom, over 60,000 IVF treatments are conducted in licensed clinics. 32.5% of the couples have completed their IVF fertility treatments. And the success rate rose to 26.5% in 2014 from 14% in 1991, as observed in women under the age of 32.

Where Can You Find The Best IVF Treatment in Turkey?

Turkey Clinic is a partnership clinic for English-speaking couples looking for the best fertility treatments in Turkey. We ensure couples get the smoothest IVF experience by providing access to information, guidance and high-quality medical support, all based on first-hand experience. We’ve built a service that considers all the gaps, worries and questions we faced in our journey!

We partner with over ten clinics that can provide unique solutions to English-speaking and international patients. 

Book Your Consultation Now!

In a nutshell, the IVF process or In Vitro is the fertility treatment of choice for couples who cannot conceive or are in danger of developing ectopic pregnancy. This new technique has proved to be successful in fulfilling the wishes of such couples.

So what are you waiting for? If you are worried about your infertility and genetic issues, you don’t have to worry; find the best IVF treatment in Turkey at Turkey Clinic and book your 30 minutes consultation with us.

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